Monday, January 21, 2019

Taxation Assignment Help

Taxation Assignment Help


Question ONE
Taxation Assignment HelpThe Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997 provides several cases on how expenditure on some items is to be treated for tax accounting purposes. The various expenditures incurred by a business are treated differently, depending on theirclassifications. The following are few situations, and how they are treated:
  1. a) During project execution, machines may be moved. Some cost is incurred when moving machinery from one site to another. The cost incurred during such movement of machinery is known as expenditure on capital, or capital expenditure. According to section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 199797, there are no deductions on capital expenditure (Afshari-Jouybari, H., & Farahnaky, 2011). When these costs are involved, the depreciation of the asset increases, increasing the amount of depreciation included for the purpose of accounting.
  2. b) Revaluation of assets is sometimes needed in order to obtain insurance policies ( John Wiley & Sons, 2012). Sometimes, this process may incur some expenses in terms of paying the valuers and other associated costs. These kind of expenses results into increase in expenditure on fixed assets (Fritz, & Schiefer, 2009). Tax deductibility on these expenses occurs if the expenses result to reduction of the capacity of the entity to make profits. Under section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997, if the expenditure positively influences the capacity of earning revenue, then it is deductible for taxation purposes because such benefits are not to be experienced for a long period of time.
  3. c) Legal expenses incurred by a company opposing a petition for winding up.
Companies are legal artificial persons who have the capacity to enter into legal suits on its own without the involvement of the owners. As a result, it will require the services of legal personnel, which are paid for. During winding up, legal cases are involved, and there two factors that are considered when deciding on the taxation behavior of the expenses involve. These are the structure of the expenditure and effect on the ability of the business to earn income. If there is an interruption on the normal operations of the business, it means that the ability or capacity of the firm to make profit is negatively affected. In this case, the expense is a capital expenditure, hence no deductions made (Afshari-Jouybari, H., & Farahnaky, 2011). Looking into the other side, if the results of the case greatly influence the general process of the business operation, the expenditure involved is considered as revenue when accounting for taxation.
  1. d) Legal expenses incurred for the services of a solicitor in respect of a number of matters
Lawyer charges, litigation fees and many other legal expenses are incurred during the life of any business entity (Hoch, Roeding, Lindner, & Purkert, G. 2010). These kinds of expenses are known as investment or business expenses. They affect the normal operations of the business and are fully deductible.  There are many business expenses, which include but not limited to the following: negotiating employment terms with order workers and wrongful dismissal expenses, defamation charges, evicting a tenant who has defaulted in rent payment, to mention but a few.
The following costs are also deductible:
Costs incurred in amending an existing employment agreement are deductible; however, costs associated with securing an employment agreement with a new employer are not deductible to the employee.
Costs incurred in arbitration; settling disputes arising out of employment agreements are deductible for both employers and employees. Costs of amending existing terms and conditions of employment with the same employer are also deductible, as well as the Costs of renewing or extending a contract of employment that have a fixed term (Gelinas & Dull, 2008).
There are other legal charges incurred by individuals, which do not amount to any effect on the business. Those incurred by individuals are not deductible, and include loan discharge expenses, borrowing expenses and expenses on lease payment valuation, the cost of negotiating employment contracts, defending driving charges, charges of sexual harassment in the workplace, eviction of a tenant after term expiry, etc. They are capital expenses in nature (Fritz, & Schiefer, 2009).
Section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is the key provision which relates to general deductions ( John Wiley & Sons, 2012). This provides that one can deduct from their assessable income any loss or outgoing to the extent that it is incurred in gaining or producing the assessable income or it is necessarily incurred in the course of doing business with aim of gaining assessable income.
The section also provides cases when one cannot deduct a loss. These cases include if it is a loss or a capital nature or when it is a loss or outgoing of a private or domestic nature (Afshari-Jouybari, H., & Farahnaky, 2011). Finally, a loss or outgoing that can be deducted under this section is called a general deduction.
Moreover, the section allows the taxpayer to subtract all losses suffered in the process of acquiring assessable income. Taxpayers are not however permitted to deduct a loss of capital or domestic nature.  Capital expenses are quite hard to claim an allowable deduction.
Question two
The total Expenditure incurred by the business =     $ 1,650,000
Subtract cost incurred on advertisement through television = $550,000 (taxable)
Remaining amount which is not taxable= $ 1,100,000 (not taxable)
Let us assume the total amount of GST paid = $ 1,650,000 * 10/110 = $150,000
GST that was incurred on print media = $1,100,000 * 10/110 = $100,000 (this is exempted for taxation)
Expenditure amount on television media = $ 550000 * 10/110 = $ 50,000
The difference on print media is given by ($150,000- $50,000 =$100,000). This amount can be claimed as input tax credit

Taxation Assignment Help

Question Three.
One can claim the foreign income tax offset in his/ her income tax return. This is done in order to discourage double taxation. This is done excluding any penalties and interest and disregarding any tax offsets. In order to arrive at Angelo’s s foreign income tax that is offset, the limit is first computed using the following few steps:
First Step:
The first step will be to calculate the gross tax payable on his taxable income
Tax on $62,000 (note medical expenses are not deductible): $12,937 (includes Medicare levy of 2%)
Second Step: the second step will be computing the tax that would be payable depending on some factors:
  • His assessable income is not inclusive of any amount where foreign income tax has been paid and his foreign income tax offset or other non-Australian source amounts, calculated as follows:
  DetailsAmount ($)
Employment income from United States12,000
Employment income from United Kingdom8,000
Rental income from United Kingdom2,000
Dividend income from United Kingdom1,200
Interest income from United Kingdom800
The difference between the foreign income tax that Aangelo has paid and the offset limit cannot be refunded or carried forward to a future income year (Afshari-Jouybari,  & Farahnaky, 2011). It should be noted that foreign income tax is deducted from the person’s assessable income, and this provides an explanation as to why it was deducted from income at this step.
  • Any expenses that are close to the amounts included in Aangelo’s assessable income on which foreign income tax has been paid, as long as the tax counts towards his foreign income tax offset, or other non-Australian amounts that are part of his assessable income (excluding debt deductions).
Expense itemAmount  ($)
Expenses incurred when obtaining  employment income from United States900
Expenses incurred when determining the amount of rental income from the United Kingdom500
Total expenses1,400
*it is important to state that the deductions of $200 and $ 400 relating to the United Kingdom dividends and interest income are not disregarded. This is so due to the fact that Angelo does not have a permanent resident in the foreign country.
The calculation is as shown in the steps below:
Total Assessable income (not including the  amount in  2(a)above$44,000
Less allowable deduction (disregarding Step)4,600
Taxable income under Step 2 assumptions:39,400
Tax on $39,400 (inclusive of a 2% Medicare levy) $5,140
Step 3; Get the difference in step 2 and 1 above gives us his foreign income tax offset limit.
$12,937 – $5,140 = $7,797
Since he had paid foreign income tax of $4,400, he is entitled to a full offset of that amount.
Question 4
The following is a table, showing how the calculations are done.
DetailsAmount $
Assessable income: total amount of accessible income
– sales: s.6-5 ITAA97400,000
– bank interest: ditto10,000
– dividend: s.44 ITAA3621,000
– imputation gross up ($21,000 x 30/70 x 60%): s.207-20 ITAA975,400
– bad debt recovered: s.20-30 ITAA9710,000
– exempt income: not assessable: s.6-20 ITAA97
– capital gain: regarded as made by the partners individually: s.106-5 ITAA97
Deductions made:
– sales proceeds stolen by employee: s.25-45 ITAA973,000
– partners’ salaries: not deductible: Scott
– FBT: s.8-1 ITAA9716,000
– interest on partner’s capital: not deductible2,000
– interest on partner’s loan: deductible: s.8-1 ITAA974,000
– travel expenses of Johnny between home and office: personal expenses: not deductible3,000
– legal fees for office lease renewal: s.8-1 ITAA972,000
– legal expenses for preparation of partnership agreement: capital expenses: ditto4,400
– legal fees for new office lease: ditto700
– debt collection expenses: ditto500
– council rates: ditto500
– staff salaries ($25,000 – 5,000): ss.8-1 & 26-35 ITAA9720,000
– purchase of trading stock: s.8-1 ITAA9730,000
– rent on shop: ditto20,000
– provision for bad debts: not deductible until written off: s.25-35 ITAA97
– business lunches: not deductible assuming the expenses are not subject to FBT: ss.32-5 & 32-20 ITAA97
– excess of opening stock over closing stock ($20,000 – 16,000): s.70-35 ITAA974,000
– net partnership loss last income year: not deductible, as the amount was attributed to partners last income year
Net income of partnership345,700
From the above computation, we obtain an income of $ 345,700 from the partnership.

Taxation Assignment Help

Afshari-Jouybari, H., & Farahnaky, A. (2011). Evaluation of Photoshop software potential for      food colorimetry. Journal of Food Engineering106(2), 170-175.
Fritz, M., & Schiefer, G. (2009). Tracking, tracing, and business process interests in food              commodities: A multi-level decision complexity. International Journal of Production            Economics117(2), 317-329.
Gelinas, U. J. & Dull, R. B., (2008). Accounting Information Systems. s.l.:Thomson/South-            Western.
Hoch, D. J., Roeding, C., Lindner, S. K., & Purkert, G. (2010). Secrets of software success (pp.    23-40). Boston: Harvard Business School Press
John Wiley & Sons, (2012). Accounting Information Systems: Understanding Business       Processes. 4th ed. s.l.:John Wiley & Sons.
Johnson, S. (2013). Fresh Item Management: Lessons in DSS, ERP and SCM from a Grocery             Bakery Department. AMCIS 2003 Proceedings, 415.
Microsoft, (2015). Microsoft Dynamics. [Online]
Maiden, N. A., & Ncube, C. (2008). Acquiring COTS software selection requirements. IEEE        software15(2), 46-56.( Maiden, N. A., & Ncube, C. (2008).
Order, S. (2012). Sage 100 ERP.
Romney, M. B. & Steinbart, P. J., (2014). Accounting Information Systems. s.l.:Pearson.
Soliman, F., & Youssef, M. A. (2008). The role of SAP software in business process re-    engineering. International Journal of Operations & Production Management18(9/10),            886-895.  

Strategic Management MGT8002 Assignment Help

1.    Introduction

Strategic Management MGT8002 Assignment HelpModern Pharmaceutical industry is known as one of the big revenue generation and profitable  businesses in the world with an expected  annual growth of 7.5% between 2014 to 2019.In 2014 pharmaceutical income of the world has reached up to one trillion U.S dollars for the first time of the history. Majority of this income has mainly generated from ten  leading pharmaceutical companies located in North America, South America and Europe. (Global Pharmaceutical Industry – Statistics & Facts).They represent about 85% of the market share while United States remains as the leading market over 45% of the market share and GDP of 3%.(WHO 2015)
Asia Pacific region is becoming a major player in the market having China as largest GDP contributor. While Japan and Australia competing with China as second and third largest, Malaysia is struggling to increase the market share because of large young population of about 32.2% out of 63.4% of age group between 15 and 64.Accordinly there is less need for medication compared to countries with large aged population such as Australia and Japan.
There are four different pharmaceuticals product lines in Malaysia: prescription medicines, over the counter products(OTC), traditional medicines and food/health supplements .Home Pharmaceutical (HP) is concentrate about three strategic business units (SBUs) namely over the counter products, hearing devices and health food supplements unit.OTC products line continue to grow because it generates a lot of savings for the health care systems in many countries specially in developing countries. Research has found out that in 2015,OTC line of  business has generated about US$ seventy billion worldwide .(
There are some opportunities available in the Malaysian market with an expected growth of 13% p.a. Accordingly  HP should be able to take advantages of the situation being 6 major local companies in the industry. However it will not be easy for HP to stay competitive and enter in to export markets  because of the establishment of multinational pharmaceutical firms in the country. This has become one of the main reasons for capitalization need of US$70 million in 2016 alone in order to remain competitive.

2.    Industry Analysis-PESTEL Analysis

 PESTEL analysis helps to understand market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business (Miller; Vendome;McBrewster,2011) application of this analysis is as follows,
1.      Government polices to encourage foreign investments.
2.      Low government expenditure on health care sector compared to developed countries

1.      Health care sector as one of ten Key National Economic Areas (NKEAs)
2.      Medical tourism has become another key factor


1.       Online opportunities and marketing
2.       Tax incentives for innovation

1.      Off-Take agreement scheme under EPP 3
2.      amendments to the  ASEAN China frame work agreement
3.      European Free Trade agreement

1.      Growing elderly population
2.      Suitable environment to do business
3.      Eco system to grow clinical research


1.      Corporate social responsibility
2.      Health conscious population
PESTEL Narratives
Political environment of Malaysia likely to have favorable situation for the foreign investments by encouraging  the access of foreign product in local market. Malaysian Ministry of Health  has introduced  entry point projects, and international harmonization of the regulation under Drug Control Authority to promote multinational pharmaceutical companies by setting up licensing arrangements with local incorporated companies. Also government have recently introduced a procedure to inspect foreign manufacturing facilities compared with  regular inspection of local firms. Local doctors chemist chains and hospitals are starting to favor medicines coming from global multinational international firms. Accordingly it doesn’t seems that government is taking initiatives to impose barriers for the entry of imported generic drugs to local market. These factors will  certainly bring competition to HP.
On the other hand government does not  budget same level of expenditure on public health compared to developed countries in the Asia Pacific region such as Australia. In Malaysia 55% of health care facilities is funded by government and 45% have fund by the patient.60% to 70% of patients go to public hospitals. If the drug is not listed in the hospital patient does not get access the innovative drugs. (
Malaysian government has entered in to  several agreements with other countries in order to support and enhance trading activities of the country. Introduction of Off-Take agreement scheme under EPP 3 has created a lot opportunities to local pharmaceutical companies to export their products. (
Also amendments to the  ASEAN China frame work agreement has enhanced economic corporation and  free trade activities between Malaysia and China .This facilitates exports and imports of pharmaceutical products from and  in to China without any duty. Similarly new European Free Trade agreement should reduce or remove the barriers of exports and imports of pharmaceutical products between countries. Accordingly this will lead HP to look at exporting opportunities seriously.

Strategic Management MGT8002 Assignment Help

Pharmaceutical market in Malaysia is registering a  compound annual growth of 9.5% according to research and consulting firm global data (Cphl south East Asia).Malaysian government has identified health care sector as one of ten Key National Economic Areas (NKEAs) with the aim that health care sector would assist move forward Malaysia in to high income nation by 2020 (AIM2016).Medical tourism has become another key factor in Malaysian pharmaceutical and health care sector by increasing revenue  in the sector by 51%.Accordinly by 2020 healthcare NKEA intend to generate US$ 10.15 billion Gross National Income and create 180,000 new employments. (
Malaysia healthcare market  has a huge potential for growth because of increasing elderly population in the country. Country is aiming an increase of aged population 65 and above at a rate of 7% in 2020.(Department of Statics 2013).Also according to world bank ranking country has ranked as 23th best country in the world to do business. Also Malaysia has ranked third largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the ASEAN nations. Malaysia government is considering an Entry Point Project (EPP 2) to support eco system by introducing 1000 clinical trials per year .
Growing environment agenda in Malaysian business has become a key factor. There is also requirement for companies to comply with corporate social responsibility. Accordingly Pharmaceutical companies should work together with professional bodies and regulatory authorities to comply with those procedures in developing and marketing a new product  to the market. Also people in Malaysia have started to become health conscious and this has contributed to increase the demand for  OTC and food/health supplements which is a good sign of growth in HP’s business in future.
Online opportunities are available for people in Malaysia for channeling doctors, ordering OTCand food supplements ,healthcare programmers to name a few. Also government is encouraging companies for bio technology, technology acquisition and new drug discoveries by introducing investment tax allowance incentives which HP can work with government to get benefit out of it easily because of their established name for research and  new product development .

3.    Industry Analysis-Porter’s Five Forces

Bargaining power of suppliers
·         High switching cost
·         High production cost of medicines and medical equipment
·         Ability to integrate forward
 Strategic Management MGT8002 Assignment Help
Competitive rivalry
·         There are about 234 players in the market
·         Expansion in the industry
·         Government incentives flexible investment and exchange policies.

Threat of substitution
·         Increase cost of medicine of MNEs
·         Cheap medicines imported from China and Europe
·         Physical herbal treatments
Threats of new entrants
·         Low entry barriers
·         Government incentives
·         Constant growth

              Strategic Management MGT8002 Assignment Help

Bargaining power of customers
Low to medium
·         High prices of branded medicines
·         Easy to switch to substitutes
Porter’s Five Forces Narratives
According to Michael E Porter ,five forces analysis is a framework for analysis of industry structure and competitiveness of the companies. He identifies four other competitive forces apart from industry rival to analyse the competiveness which will support to achieve medium and long run profitability of a company .Accordingly five forces are; rivalry among existing competitors, bargaining power of  customers, bargaining power of  suppliers ,the treat of substitute, threat of new entrants.
The pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia is highly competitive because of  existence of many local and overseas pharmaceutical companies .There about 234 companies registered under Drug Control Authority in Malaysia as traditional and modern medicine firms. The lack of entry barriers  such as government incentives and tax savings ,liberal investment and exchange control policies quality of life, developed infrastructure, exemption from duty on raw materials, skilled workforce, vibrant business environment are inviting factors of foreign investors and low entry barriers in the industry (MIDA 2013)
This has caused  to import or manufacture cheap medicine in the country and increase in  the rivalry between companies. Further pharmaceutical industry has recorded a constant growth over the years and there is a high potential for industry expansion.
The threat of substitutes appear to be high because of increasing cost of medicine produced by multinational companies. This has led to higher demand of locally produced generic medicines which do not have high cost connected with  research and development and superior marketing such as packaging. Also amendments to the ASEAN China framework agreement and new European Free Trade Agreement has lead to import cheap medicine in to the country to replace some generic and OTC medicines. Also Malaysia is well-known for message and spa treatments. Spending money on physical herbal treatments will act as a substitute for food/health medicine produced in the country.
 Bargaining power of suppliers appears to be high because of high production  cost of medicine and high switching cost due to cost of technology and long term investment . Generally MNC are powerful and they have become the main suppliers of medical equipments and technology of producing medicines and medical equipment because they are the only one able to incorporate high cost of production in to their economic of scales.(Linda Ge, 2011)
On the other hand bargaining power of customers appear to be low for generic products due to high prices of branded medicine. However with the increase of substitute displaying in the market doctors ,chemist chains and hospital are starting to  favour global generic and  getting more powerful in bargaining. 
.    Industry Analysis -Key Success Factors (KSFs) 
Key Success FactorCurrent achievements’Future achievements
Growth in population and health care sector

·         1.2billion worth of Pharmaceutical market

·         585million worth of medical device market

·         Healthcare expense represent 4.75% in GDP
·         3.7billion worth of Pharmaceutical market by 2020

·         Medical device market will constitute 25% of health care market by 2020

·         Healthcare expense represent 10% in GDP by 2020
Medical tourism

·         The sector has represented USD 200milion in 2016

·         Healthcare tourism market has increased by 63% in terms of patients in 2016

·         The sector will represent USD 530milion in 2016

·         Healthcare tourism market expect to increase by 80% in terms of patients by 2020

Government Coverage for health care

·         Government covers about 55% of public medical expenditure
·         Government is planning to implement universal healthcare coverage by 2020.
Skilled work force

·         Skilled workforce with low wage structure
·         Become a high income country by 2020.
Government Incentives

·         Tax incentives,
·         Duty exemptions on raw materials,
·         Liberal exchange and investment policies
·         Malaysia to become Pharmaceutical hub in Southeast Asia region by 2020.
Key Success Factors Narrative
 High birth rate,  low mortality rate  and increased life expectancy has caused growth in population and health care revenue in Malaysia. In 2015 recorded population in Malaysia was about 31million with a constant growth over last 5 years, which is expected to continue in future. Pharmaceutical market of Malaysia was estimated at 1.2billion in 2008 however this is projected to increase up to 3.7billion by 2020.Also medical device market was estimated at $585million in 2010 however this has estimated to constitute 25% of healthcare expenditure by 2020 while health care expenses represent 10% of GDP compared to 4.75% in 2014.(AIM 2016).Accordingly this growth will certainly create an opportunity for HP for innovation of new drugs and exportation.
Another key success factor in the industry is medical tourism. In 2016,healthcare tourism market has increased by 51% and 63% in terms of revenue and foreign patients

Strategic Management MGT8002 Assignment Help

Press release 2016).This growth has mainly supported by government policies towards  medical tourism and tax exemptions for hospitals. The sector has represented USD 200milion in 2016 and it is expected to increase up to USD 530miilion by 2020.Developed infrastructure, skilled medical practitioners and low cost structure on medical treatments have contributed to attract more overseas patients in the country. Growth in medical tourism creates an opportunity  for marketing HPs medicine and medical equipments to the market and build up export market among tourist patients.
The third key success factor in the industry is government coverage for health care .Currently Malaysian government cover about 55% of medical cost on public healthcare leaving 45% for the patient. However most of the OECD countries except Mexico and the USA have universal health care coverage where government take care of all the medical expenditure of nation. Universal cover assist nation to be healthy and happy .It improves public health that will indirectly support many development factors in the country. It also helps corporate to stay stable .Malaysian governmentexpect to implement universal health coverage by 2020 which is under negotiation in parliament. (AIM 2016).Accordingly with the expertise and experience of sales team of HP ,company will be able to approach public and private hospital to distribute their medicine and medical equipment on regular basis.
Another key success factor of the pharmaceutical industry is availability of skilled workforce in the country. Malaysia fortunate to have English speaking highly educated competent workforce .Most of the medical clinics are operated by highly knowledgeable medical assistants rather than doctors. However due to low wage structure of the country Malaysia is losing a lot of skilled workers to highly paid countries like Australia, New Zealand, USA and Singapore. Government is now planning to adjust the wage level of the country to retain skilled workers. If HP is not satisfied with existing sales team this creates an opportunity for them to approach people from health sector with extensive experience and contact in the industry to join them to increase the sale.
lastly government incentives such as tax holidays ,liberal investment exchange policies for pharmaceutical industry is inviting many local and multinational companies to invest in the industry. Also Malaysia is located in the heart of Southeast Asia with a regional market over 636million people. Accordingly Malaysia is targeting to become pharmaceutical hub in the region by 2020.This situation creates a vast opportunity for HP to enter in to export market in the region.
.    Value of the rational models in contemporary Strategic Planning

 6.    References

AIM 2016,Malaysia Healthcare ,regulatory and reimbursement landscape report
Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster,2011,Pest Analysis,
Cphl south East Asia-
Global Pharmaceutical Industry – Statistics & Facts-
World Health Organization Statics
Linda Ge 2011 Porters Five
MIDA 2013,Guide on Pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia
Malaysia Healthcare, Regulatory and Reimbursement: New market research published in 2014.;jsessionid=blBsXP3ljf0g1EM1cZh3OFeT.undefine