Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is basically a technology which allows a user to store and access files stores on the servers which are connected to the internet. In other words, it is a network where a user or a business can benefit from the files stored on large servers, or store his or her files. The technology of cloud computing is on a rise day by day, as the business requirements of hardware and software are increasing at a tremendous pace. With each new hire, a company would need to purchase the software which is crucial to their operation, the cost of purchasing the hardware and software over and over again will be a huge burden on the company. In such a scenario, what a company does is installs an application which connects the computer to a cloud based server which in turn allows any number of systems in that given company to access and use the files and software stored on the cloud. Thus minimising the cost and efforts needed to equip every individual of the company with the right set of tools.
On everyday basis people unknowingly use cloud based computing, with simple web applications such as ‘Google Drive’ and ‘Sky Drive’ which host a cloud based storage option for users. Other ways of managing and accessing the cloud servers are more sophisticated when you need the cloud service’s interface software to access the files and programmers from the cloud. Even Gmail and Yahoo mail display the use of cloud computing where the files and mails which you access through your browser are not on your local hard disk, but on the servers, this was the very first application of cloud based computing in which you can access files remotely with only an internet connection and a working computer.
Cloud Computing Cloud computing is at an early stage in this time with its potential not fully explored yet. The technology as of now only offers some of the features which may look tiny6 in the next fifty or so years, whereas those features and services are seen as a blessing in today’s time.
There are primarily three types of cloud storage available, Private cloud, Public cloud and Hybrid cloud. Private Clouds are maintained for one single organisation either by the company itself or by a third party cloud service provider, either externally or internally hosting the cloud. This type f cloud servers cater to only one business, and are generally vulnerable to attacks and threats. They also incur heavy cost on the business initially, but over a long period of time, the investment proves to be fruitful.
Public Cloud is type of cloud computing in which the servers of the cloud cater public at large. They are generally free to use, or pay as you use model. There may be no, or a very small difference in the technical infrastructure of a Private or a Publi9c cloud, but the security threats and vulnerability dramatically rises in Public clouds as the data is transmitted over an unsecured network.
Hybrid Networks are those which are based on both the models of cloud, offering features of both public and private cloud network.
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